About OSFC

Oceania Sportfishing Club is a Private Fishing Club established by the Pacific Marinelife Institute for anglers who love to fish and explore the marine environment, but don not believe the traditional fishing Club membership is right for them.

Your Club House is the entire Oceania Region. You choose where and when you fish,and what to fish for. Fish for barra at the top end of Australia, reef fish along the Australian East Coast and into the Pacific or take the ultimate challenge and chase giant blue and black marlin. Your membership offers exclusive entry into the Oceania Sportfish Challenge, member privileges and active participation in fishery research and preserving our fishing history.

Membership in the Oceania Sportfishing Club assists in funding the Institute's long-term monitoring programs, tagging projects, a Bio-Resource to support future population and age-growth studies, the opening of research centres throughout the Pacific; and the Oceania Fishing Museum and its work to preserve the history of the people, boats, fish, places and events that make up fishing in the region. Plus every catch log and trip information you submit as part of the Oceania Sportfish Challenge provides invaluable data for fishery research.

Learn more about how to join here.

Oceania Sportfishing Club
A Pacific Marinelife Institute Membership Program
Contact: David Joyce
68/88 Cotlew Street East, Southport, Queensland, Australia 4215
Postal: PO Box 721 Southport QLD Australia 4215
Email: info@pacificmarinelife.com
Phone: 61 (0) 412 761 106